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Low Tox Product Recommendations eBook

Sale price$9.99

Did you know that research suggests on average a woman applies 168 chemicals to her body everyday?

Unfortunately a lot of the chemicals in these products have been linked to poor health outcomes including hormonal imbalances, weight gain, reproductive concerns, pregnancy outcomes, allergies + more

This eBook was created to provide you with 140+ low tox product recommendations that women use everyday. Some of these products include:

- Kitchen homewares

- Kitchen cookwares

- Personal care items (e.g. skincare, hygiene, cosmetic + more)

- Common baby and pregnancy products eg. Baby lotion/wash, nipple creams, pads, nappies, wipes, moisturisers, sunscreen etc.

- Household cleaning products

- Clothing and underwear

- Mattresses and furniture

- Tap water, indoor air pollution + more.

This eBook includes a vast amount of prenatal to postpartum specific products. 

We have created this eBook so it is easy to follow and provide you with the exact products and links you require to make changes quickly.

By making cleaner swaps you will be avoiding chemicals that have been linked to:

- Hormonal imbalance and weight gain

- Reproductive concerns like PCOS and endometriosis

- Fertility concerns and pregnancy outcomes

- Skin issues like eczema and dermatitis

- Allergies

- Concerning health outcomes for baby + more

This is the one eBook that I wish I had sooner and the eBook I wish my mother had access to when I was growing up (we are always learning). 

You can purchase the eBook in the following formats: